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Keira's 2nd week update

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Second week update

Friday, March 13th.

Daddy took her this time and she saw her Dr.'s physicians assistant, but the PA said everything still looked good and no surgery! She thinks her arm is doing so good that her original Dr. wants to see her in 2 weeks (and 5 days) this time.

Her next appointment is Wednesday, June 1st. At this time they are hoping to get the cast off. She will still be in a sling, but at least she will be able to have movement in her arm!  We have not told her about getting her cast off because the Dr. is not really sure yet, so we don't want to get her hopes up and something go wrong that she still has to wear it for another week or two.

She is doing a lot better! She just figured out that she can still use her fingers to hold stuff and grasp stuff. Before she would not have anything to do with that arm or hands (in fear of hurting it again).

Keira only has 2 days of school left. On Tuesday, she went with her preschool class to the zoo for the letter Z. The teachers and volunteer parents kept a good eye on her. One of the parents told me that they wouldn't let her play in the sand because they were afraid she would get sand in her cast.

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