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Losing Teeth

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Keira lost her first tooth Aug. 25. I was a little worried the first time she came to me and told me that her tooth was loose. I called her Dentist and she said that was normal because she had all her teeth pretty early, so that meant that she would lose them pretty early. So, the day she lost it, of course, she wanted to put it under her pillow right away. The tooth fairy left her $3.00, she was super excited to show us in the morning. She told us that the tooth fairy was going to bring her a barbie, we told her that the tooth fairy only brings money and that she had to buy it with the money the tooth fairy leaves. When she found the money, she asked if she could put it into her piggy bank to get a barbie.

She lost her second one Sept. 5th. We sat down to eat supper and she was crying because her tooth hurt her when she ate. I looked at, it wiggled it, front to back a couple times then it popped right out. She was fine after that :)  This time she got $5.00 because the tooth fairy didn't have any change.

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