Picture on the left taken by

Keira's broken arm....

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We went on family vacation to Great Wolf Lodge in Kansas City. We went up there Easter Sunday after Church and stayed Sunday night and Monday night. All day Monday we went swimming, made teddy bears (like teddy bear factory), got tattoos, used magic wands on the magic quest, and went swimming again.  Dan and the kids came back in the room about 9:30 p.m. Monday evening after swimming. We were getting all the kids ready for bed, Keira was climbing up the bunk bed ladder to go to bed and fell off.

When I got to her I thought she hit her head. Before Dan took her downstairs to the lobby she was falling asleep on the bed, I had tell her that she couldn't go to sleep. They actually checked her head at the E.R. and everything was fine!  When she fell she was no less than an inch from the foot board of the bed across the bunk bead on the floor. She wouldn't stop crying and said her arm hurt. She wouldn't move her arm and her arm started swelling, then I knew it was broken.

In this picture: On the right is the ladder of the bunk bed. On the bottom left is where she landed. Her head was less than an inch from hitting that board (lower left, lighter brown vertical board.)

Dan then took her down stairs to the lobby to see where a near by hospital was. I stayed in the room with the other two kids to get them calmed down and to put them to bed. While he was down there he talked to a paramedic and they also thought it was broken. They took down information for an incident report and sent Dan and Keira on their way to a nearby hospital.

 Dan got to the hospital about 11 p.m or so. Dan did not like this hospital at all, they were not child friendly at all. Dan said they were not very nice to Keira at all while taking X-rays, they were moving her arm all around and making it hurt worse instead of helping her. They wound up saying that she had see a specialist  and be transferred to Children's Hospital in Kansas City because the X-rays revealed a break in the growth bone, which means if it doesn't heal correctly the arm will not grow with the other arm. After about 2 hours at the E.R. they transferred her by ambulance to Children's Hospital.

Picture of Keira at the E.R. You can tell she is not happy and is in pain!

When they got there Dan finally got answers and just loved the way him and Keira were treated. Dan found out that she had broke her arm in 2 different places and dislocated her elbow. They had her on IVs and a nose oxygen.  They had to put her under to put her elbow back into place. Then they put the cast on and she was ready to go. They had to make sure she could wake up and stay awake for a while before Dan could leave with her.  They were finally back in the hotel room about 5:30. We had to get a separate room so she had somewhere to sleep. She was not getting back on that bed!! She has a full arm cast now and has to go back to Children's Hospital in Omaha weekly!

I am very upset about this fall! Not upset at Keira, of course, but at the hotel! Keira has a bunk bed at home and climbs it about 3 times a day and has never fallen off! There are a couple things about this bunk bed (that you can see in the upper picture of the bunk bed) that I think should be changed....1. The ladder is straight up and down and Keira and Aden's is slanted and is actually easier to climb up. 2. There is no where to grab on to when you climb up it. 3. The top is closed off and can't grab on anywhere.

I was a nervous wreck all night. I did not sleep at all that night. Neither did Dan obviously..since he was at the hospital for 6 hours. They got back into the room at 5:30 a.m., Keira and I slept in the separate room, I still was not able to sleep even when she was back because she kept waking up moaning and in pain.

We came back home Tuesday after noon. She was not doing good at all. She was still in pain and very sleepy and just laid around all day at home. She didn't want to eat and her stomach hurt all day.

She gets to go to school tomorrow (Thursday) I am very nervous about this. Just because I don't know how the other kids are going to react and I just hope she is okay! She has swimming on Thursdays at school she can't even go swimming with her friends. She cannot go swimming at all, she can't do dance, which was Tuesday night, and she can't go to her dance recital, which is Saturday afternoon.

She is doing a little better today. She has been up walking around. She knows that when she is walking around she has to have her sling on. But when she is laying down or sitting down then she can take it off. She is still in pain and is still complaining about her stomach hurting. I think she is just getting nervous about the pain and it is upsetting her stomach. She takes her medication and is okay for a couple hours.

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