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The little man and Kiki

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The little man just had his 15 month check up. He has lost a lot of weight since September. He is 20 pounds 14 ounces and is only in the 7th percentile. His height is 30 inches and is only in the 17th percentile. His head is 46.4 cm and is in the 25th percentile. Kiki was always in the 10th percentile or lower on her check ups so the Dr. didn't seem too worried about the little man's weight. He had been really sick the previous week, so I took him to see his pediatrician because I was worried that it was pneumonia or the H1N1 like Kiki had a couple months back. His doctor seemed concerned with his breathing and put him on a nebulizer that he has to take every 4-6 hours. He seems a lot better now, he is breathing better and his cough seems to be gone.

The little man has many many words in his vocabulary already. He reminds me more and more like Kiki when she was that age. He is so smart and knows what you are asking or saying. If you ask him to put something into the trash can he walks over and puts it in, or if you ask him to pick up something off the floor and put it back where he got it he will do just that. He copies everything you do. He knows where his tummy is, he knows how to tickle people. If you tell him "get mommy's nose" he will reach up and get my nose. He has about 20 words in his vocabulary. He can say bye bye, hi, up please, ball, drink, bite, tummy, sit, mom and dad of course. His doctor was pretty impressed with everything he could say and do and putting 2 words together (up please) was pretty advanced for being a boy at his age.

I think Kiki is ready for the new baby. She doesn't really understand that it will come out of my tummy yet, but she knows that it is a girl and what her name is. She sits on the couch by me and talks to her. If I tell her Tay is kicking because she knows you are talking to her, Kiki will put her foot on my tummy and kick her lightly (just a tap) back. Kiki is getting more patient with the little man. She used to get frustrated because he couldn't do something or he was "bugging" her (as she would say) but now she is starting to understand that he can't do some of the stuff that she can yet and that he is just learning to share.

The original due date for Tay was going to be March 15th the doctor moved it to March 13th and we moved it up to March 5th. No special reason, just want her here and it is a week closer than March 13th :)

I recently quit my job and am staying home with the kids again. I am currently an independent consultant with The Pampered Chef. That keeps me plenty busy. I don't know how much time I will have to work on it though once Tay gets here. It seems like the only time I am on the computer is when the kids are sleeping, which doesn't bother me much because I would rather be playing with them than being on the computer working all night/day.

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