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Taygen Potty Training- Week 2


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It is getting a little easier. It has been a busy couple weeks for us with the Keira's school and the kids' swimming, dance, and art classes. When we are at home it is much easier to potty train Taygen. When we go out in public it is a little harder. She is doing amazing. She has only had 2 accidents this week. One was at the Church day care, which was out of our control and the other was while we were driving, also out of our control. Other than that, she only wears diapers at bed time and at nap time. I will give her a couple more weeks in Pullups and by the end of October, beginning of November she will be in big girl panties!

My routine for potty training Taygen when we leave the house....

  1. Take her potty before we leave the house then pack her potty
  2. Take her potty as soon as we get to the place (restaurant, school, dance, swimming, etc)
  3. Take her potty every 10-15 minutes (depends on how long we are there)
  4. Take her potty right before we leave the place
  5. Repeat if going somewhere else (Take her potty when we get there and take her potty right before we leave)

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