Since the kids are getting bigger and can help a lot more, we have made a couple of family traditions for the Holidays.
Christmas Tree
- The first one is putting up the Christmas tree. We put the Christmas tree up the Friday after Thanksgiving. Keira doesn't have school on that Friday, daddy doesn't work on Friday's (normally), we have nothing to do that Friday, so that is a great time to sit as a family and decorate the tree.
Christmas Tree Ornaments
- We let the kids pick out 2 ornaments every year and they get to put them on the tree themselves (along with the normal ornaments that belong on the tree).
Christmas Cooking/Baking
- I like to make the cake balls and cake suckers. I also like to make sugar cookies dipped in chocolate.
- I will let the kids dip the cookies or cake balls in the chocolate.
- Last year was the first year I actually baked stuff for Christmas. I really didn't think I could do it or had time, but if you make time and see the results after it is done then it is worth it.
Christmas Crafts
- Ornaments
- Stockings
- Cards
Christmas Morning
- Wake kids up (if they are not awake already ;) )
- Usually set the kids in a circle (so they can all see each other)
- Pass out presents
- Watch the glow on their faces when they open their presents....priceless
- After all the wrapping paper is cleaned up, we have breakfast (last year, homemade biscuits & gravy).
- We get the kids ready to go to my mom's (nana's)
- Depends on when grandma (Dan's mom) wants to do Christmas (if it is on Christmas, then we usually cut our time short at my mom's and go to his mom's) Sometimes it is on the day after or a couple days after.