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Keira's Birthday Ideas

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This year we are letting the kids decide what they want to do for their birthdays. Aden wanted to go golfing with daddy and grandpa. That worked out good and Aden had fun!

When we asked Keira what she wanted to do for her birthday, she knew right away that she wanted to go to a movie theatre like she did for her birthday last year (saw Tangled). But she went to her friend's birthday party last weekend and said she wanted to invite friends like Ezven did. I said, "Do you want a birthday party like this or do you want your movie?" She said, "I want my movie, but I want to invite friends." I told her that her friends might not like the movie and that she could invite Seth (friend from school) if she wanted. So, she got super excited about that. Seth's mom and I have become really good friends and she said it was okay. I'm not sure which (kid) movie will be out when they go, or when they are going, but I think they will have fun.

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