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Keira's 6 year Checkup

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Keira turns 6 in a week. I can't believe how much she is growing up.

Her height is in the 15th percentile at 43 1/8 inch. Her weight is 40.6 and is in the 25th percentile. Her BMI and blod pressure were good. She didn't have to have any shots.

We did get some bad news though. I talked to her doctor about the idea that Kik might have asthma. The doc said that there was no actual test for asthma that she had to use an inhaler. So, she has an inhaler that she has to use whenever she does any kind of physical activity.

She's doing really good in school. Had parent teacher conferences a couple months ago. Her teacher is really impressed with her 'age level reading.' Her teacher is using Keira as a tutor wherever needed, so she doesn't get bored with her daily work.

She as an eye dr. appointment with the specialist to see if her eye is any better on Tuesday.

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