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These days....

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The little man is sitting up pretty good now and rolling all over the floor. It will be any day now and he will be crawling, he is getting frustrated because he can't reach something so he will try and scoot. We went grocery shopping yesterday and we sat him in the grocery cart by himself without his car seat. He looked like a big man. He was so proud of himself at first, he was laughing and talking the first 15 minutes we were in the store then towards the end he started getting tired.

Kiki has been potty trained for a while now, we usually just take her panties off and lift her up to the potty and sit her on it. But recently we went out and bought a kid step stool for the bathroom and now she does it all herself. She gets the step stool out of its spot and sets it in front of the toilet, stands on it and pulls down her panties, we still have to lift her onto the toilet though because she is still short *kind of like her mom*. Then she will get the toilet paper by herself, wipe, we lift her down and she pulls up her pants and flushes, then she puts the step stool back where it goes and washes her hands. Sometimes I forget that she is only 28 months old.

I just started giving the little man a 'big boy' bath in the big bath tub. He is out growing his baby bath tub. I gave Kiki and the little man a bath together, it was so cute to watch. Kiki has her own bath puff, she wanted her body wash on it so I gave her some, the next thing I knew she was leaning over and washing the little man with it. She is very helpful with him.

Keira has had a sippy cup since she was 9 months old, and has been using a 'big girl' cup off and on when she eats lunch or is at her table. I decided the last couple of weeks to put her sippy away and only use a big girl cup. So now she has been off her sippy for about a week now and doing really good. We thought about using her sippy only when we went shopping or to eat, but we forgot it one day and she did really good without it, so now it is a big girl cup from now on. The kids' ped. told us that the little man could start using a sippy all ready. That seemed a little strange to me since he is only 6 months old. Maybe early in his 7 months I will introduce it to him and see how he does.

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