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Keira's 4th Birthday and Kiddos

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Keira turned 4 at the end of November. She got her ears pierced and loves her new earrings. She was such a big girl when she got her ears pierced, she did not cry. She jerked and her eyes got big because I think the noise scared her more than anything. We told her it was going to hurt and it was just going to feel like a shot, so she knew what to expect.

She recently had her 4 year well child check. She weighs 32 pounds and is in the 25th percentile, her height is 38 1/4 and is in the 10-25th percentile. Her blood pressure and pulse were good. She had to have 5 shots, which made both mom and Keira sad! She was such a big girl, she did not cry at all. She jerked a little when they stabbed the first needle in but she knew what to expect the next 4 times. They wanted to give her a flu shot, but I am highly against the flu shot!! When the kids have gotten flu shots in the past they get so sick. Taygen got her flu shot (because the Pedi. pressured me) in September and she was sick for 6 days after. She had a fever of 104. that lasted for 3 days, she was so weak, she didn't want to eat, and she just wanted to sleep all day (which is not good for anybody who is sick!)

I got some weird news from Keira's pediatrician. Everybody wants to think their child is smart, bright, and knows everything. But when a licensed physician tells you, it makes a big difference. The Dr. asked me if I thought Keira was getting "challenged" at school and I said, "I don't think so because everything she does at school she already knows and did at home before she started school." Her Dr. informed me that I needed to talk to Keira's teachers and get some more challenging work for her because she (Dr.) is afraid that Keira will get bored in school and that will cause problems in the future as far as liking or disliking school as she gets older. Keira is a very bright girl for her age group, but I am not going to make her childhood go any faster by making her learn stuff that she should be learning later.

Aden is growing up so fast. Aden is learning so fast and he is becoming such a bright kid! It seems like in the last few months he has went from 2 to 5. He is talking almost as much as Keira is. I love listening to their conversations because it sounds like two 5 year olds are talking. Aden has his 30 month check up in March.

Taygen is doing good! She is getting bigger and bigger everyday! She has her 9 month check up next week. I am guessing her weight would be about 14-15 pounds. She was about 12 pounds at her 6 month check up. She is so funny and so happy all the time, when she cries (which is not very often) then there is really something wrong. I have a little cough this week and every time I cough when I am around her, she will look at me, cough, and start laughing...like she is making fun of me. She's a little turd butt! The kids just love her. They get along with her so great. She looks for them all the time. If she is the first one up, she will go crazy looking for them. Then when she finally sees them, she gets really happy and starts laughing.

I can go on and on about the kids but I think I will stop for now. I will post updates on Taygen's Dr. appt.

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