Picture on the left taken by

Taygen's Dr. Appt.

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Taygen had her 9 month well child check up. She is 17 pounds ( My guess was a little off) 25-50 percentile. Her height is 27 3/4, 50th percentile. She only had to have one shot. I was a little concerned that Taygen is not crawling or pulling her self up yet, but the Doctor told me that if she is "mastering" other skills (such as language) then she probably will not crawl because she is working on one thing at a time. Her Dr. said she may not even crawl, she may just go right to walking.

She is a little turd butt! I had a cold last week and was coughing a lot, every time I coughed she would too, then she would get a really big smile on her face and start laughing. When daddy gets home, she smiles really big and says "dadda." Daddy opened the door of the truck the other day to get her out of her car seat and it sounded like she said "hi dadda." We both looked at each other and said "did you hear that?" Of course, daddy got a big kick out of that!

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