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Bad day of the week


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Bad Day of the Week
Friday, October 7th, Saturday, October 8th, Wednesday, October 13th

Like I said before, there is no such thing as a bad day without at least 2 things going wrong.

Friday, October 7th
This time it was daddy's turn :).  We laid the kids down for bedtime on their regular bedtime schedule (9p.m). Taygen usually goes to bed pretty good, but Friday night she woke up crying hard. We knew something was wrong so Dan rushed into her room and found that she threw up all over her blankets and jammies. He asked me to help, so I took her clothes off and gave her a bath and changed her sheets really quick. After that she was fine. We think she had too much root beer floats at grandma's :)

Saturday, October 8th
Still daddy's turn. Aden had been sleeping (napping) and woke up to go poopy, Dan took his pants down by then Aden had pooped in his pants (Diarrhea), Dan went to wipe him off and clean everything up, but when Dan wiped his bottom he started going again, all over Aden's legs, I'm sure you can imagine. I know TMI, but deal with it! Come to find out Aden was also sick and threw up (and was running a fever) Saturday evening, luckily I got him to the toilet in time, he got about a quarter size amount on the carpet, but we got it cleaned up.

My kids are not sick very often, but when they are it only seems to be a 24 hour bug and it seems to happen to all the kids. Keira has not gotten whatever Aden and Taygen had (knock on wood!)

Thursday, October 13th
Aden has his art class Thursday mornings from 10:30-11:20, I usually just come straight home and make lunch, I usually don't pick anything up for lunch (getting the kids in the habit of eating healthy). Well, today I planned on just running to Burger King, which was about 2 blocks out of my way, but was kind of on the way home (does that make any sense?) Anyway, I go through the drive thru and ordered, got up to the window and realized I left my credit/debit card at home on my dresser. I don't have any cash with me (only a few dollars), I pull up to the window to pay and ask them if they accept checks, of course, he says no. I said "ok then, I guess I have to cancel my order." Nice!

I ran home (didn't actually run, just drove) and got my card, now Burger King is out of the way, so, I just went to McDonald's (don't like that place, but promised the kids chicken nuggets from somewhere). Have my card in hand and went to McDonald's, all is good now. 

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