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Best Day of the Week

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Best Day of the Week
Monday, October 10th

I posted earlier that Keira has a new "boy"friend in school. Well, she made him a little heart, cut it out and colored it for him. She brought it to school on Monday and gave it to him. His mom just melted, she thought it was sooo cute. She handed it to him and walked away fast, mostly because she was embarrassed. She came over to stand by me and a few seconds later he came back and started talking to her. He said, thank you, this is really nice.

I got to talking to his mom in the parking lot after school and I guess the feeling is mutual between the two kids. I guess he talks about Keira to his grandparents and sometime during the weekend they were talking about buying Keira something.

Even though she will be crushed when she starts kindergarten and he is not there, the joy on her face to see that someone "special" everyday is worth it right now.

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