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Fun Routines at Bedtime

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We all have routines that can get pretty rigorous, but sometimes you have to make it fun for your self and for your kids.

Our night time (bedtime) routines include: snack time about 8:30 (usually yogurt, pudding, or crackers), put pajamas on. Then the fun part is reading to the kids, yes, that is the fun bedtime routine...I know, I know you probably thought I was talking about jumping on beds or pillow fights, but I actually enjoy reading to my kids. I love watching them interact with the stories and love how the younger kids understand the meaning of the words and stories. I love watching Keira read books that she has never seen or heard before. They each get to pick out one book to read.

After we read we all go up stairs, brush teeth, floss and rinse with mouthwash, go potty, wash hands, then get tucked into bed and sings songs (this is also my favorite part of our routine).

I cannot stress enough how important family time is. That's why every other night Dan and I take turns laying the kids down. We help each other get the snacks ready and help each other get jammies on then the one who is not laying the kids down reads the books, give kisses and off they go to their routine.

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