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Lazy Day

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Today is a lazy day for the kids. Usually, we would be running around taking Keira to school and picking her up, but she doesn't have school today because of Fall break. It is 54 degrees outside, so being outside today is out of the question, so the kids are just lounging around watching shows and playing with the iPad.

Usually when we are inside all day, Keira and Aden will color, we will clean the house together, the kids will do crafts, we read to each other, etc.

The kids do not get to "lounge" around very often. They only get to watch about an hour of T.V a day. We are usually pretty busy during the week with their schools and activities. I don't let the kids watch too much T.V. Keira says, "too much T.V. will make your bottom mushy and you will not have any energy." Very true!

Keira and Aden have swimming lessons tonight at 6 p.m., so it looks like that is the only time we will leave the house today. Not looking forward to this cold weather that we are going to have this week....mid 60's to lower 50's for highs.

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