We surprised the kids with CocoKey while Keira was on Christmas vacation and the hubby was on vacation.
The kids loved it. We got a room for one night. We got there about 3, swam for a couple hours then went to eat, then played in the game room to let supper settle and then swam for a couple more hours. Then came back to the room and got ready for bed, the kids were so exhausted.
Woke up in the morning and packed the truck and were swimming again.
Archive for December 2011
on cocokey
on Keira 6 month check up on her arm
Keira had her 6 month check up on her arm today. Doctor said she is doing really good and it looks as normal as can be expected.
It can re break again so she has to be super careful. If she falls on it or does any kind of damage to it, we have to take her in right away, it is more of a priority now.
No more checkups!
Day 3 of our Christmas baking with the kiddos. Today we made thumbprints and snow globes.
I didn't get any pictures of the snow globes because my hands were messy ;)

on Christmas Baking day 2, Nutter Butter Santas
Today was our day 2 of baking cookies. Today we did Nutter Butter Santas.

on New Addition
on Christmas Baking, sugar cookies
The kids and I started our Christmas baking today. We are going to try to do one cookie a day until Christmas Eve.
We are planning on making...
Sugar Cookies
Jello pudding balls
Oreo Cookie Snow Globes
Nutter Butter Santas
Today, Tuesday, December 20th, we did our Sugar Cookies. We didn't do anything special with the sugar cookies, we just cut them into circles and let the kids decorate them.
Keira wasn't too happy about getting her hands dirty/messy.
It was funny because I know how she feels about messes and I put my hand in to the flour and said, "Keira look." and threw it on the counter. Her eyes lit up and said, "Mom, you're kidding. You just made a mess, please clean it up." I explained to her that it was okay just this one time and that we needed the flour so the dough didn't stick to the counter or the rolling pin. She understood after that but was still worried about getting messy.

on Conversation, keira
Today on the way to school it was just Keira and I. She was asking if she could have a Dora DVD and I said maybe for Christmas.
I said, "You guys are going to get a lot of Christmas gifts, maybe someone will get you a DVD. You are going to get gifts from mom & dad, Santa, nana & papa, grandma & grandpa, aunt Jackie, & uncle Robby....." And continued to name off her other uncles and aunts that they would receive gifts from and she interrupted me and said, "But mom, that's a lot of gifts. We can't have that many gifts and that would be a lot of pajamas. That would be very nice of them, but that's still a lot of gifts." I said, "I know, that is a lot of gifts, but you are also giving gifts back to the people that give you gifts."
Then she changed the subject and started talking about her last day of school. Her last day of school for break is next Wednesday, December 21, also her Christmas program at school. I said, "Ya, Keira you have today, Monday & Wednesday left before school is done until January." She was confused and thought I meant done with school, meaning that she would start kindergarten in January and not be able to see her friend Seth, so she was pretty sad about that.
I explained to her that she would go back to preschool and see all her friends in January that she was just on Christmas break, a mini vacation. She said, "Then can we go to the beach during our vacation?" She said, "Mom, it would be nice and warm at the beach." I just laughed and said, "Maybe in the summer we can go to the beach for our own little vacation."
on giveaway
My Gift To You!
Give Away
I am doing my first official give away.
As the Christmas Season approaches we all should remember that this is a time for giving. So, my gift to you, my readers, followers, emailers or commenters are gift cards.
Here's how it is going to work....
I have over 60 some people that email me on a daily basis or are followers through email. I will choose 5 people who already follow me through email or who email me on a daily basis and those that I choose will receive one $30 gift card to where ever they choose... it can be a restaurant gift card, clothing store, shoe store, etc. After I randomly choose those 5 people through random number generator, I will then email them letting them know they have won.
I will also choose 3 people ($20 gift card to each) who do not follow through email or comment on any of my posts. I will also do a random drawing and email the winners.
Now, If you are not on my email list or just read my blog but do not leave any comments, here are a couple things you need to do before you can be part of the giveaway.
~Follow by email
~Comment on one or two of my posts
~Email me with a question you would like to see on a 'Thinking Thursday' post.
So, good luck and enjoy!
This giveaway will end on December, 15th.
This giveaway is for my Diary of a S.A.H.M blog only!!
The kids had such a busy day on Saturday. I love busy days, but I don't like them to be on the weekends, it makes the weekends go so fast.
It rained and sleeted the most part of the morning then started snowing about 10:00 a.m, so I didn't know if we were going to do any of the activities we had planned today, but it turned out to be a pretty warm and very beautiful snow.
Saturday, December 3rd.
Keira had her dance recital at 1:00, got done about 1:30, and got home about 2:15. Changed Keira out of her dance outfit then grandma and grandpa came to pick Keira and Aden up about 2:30 to go see Santa at gma's work. Keira and Aden got back from seeing Santa, got stuff ready to go to her friend, Seth's birthday party from 5:30-7:30p.m. Came home, got baths (for Church in the morning), got snack, did our nightly routine then went to bed.
The kids were pooped, but it was stuff that they loved to do, so they didn't mind being busy all day.
Best Day of the Week
Monday, November 28th
This probably would be Keira's best day of the week. Of course, it was her birthday, but she got to invite her good friend Seth to play.
We got their about 10 minutes before Seth and his parents did. She kept asking about him.
The look on her face when she saw him walk into Lost in Fun was priceless.
This was also probably my best day of the week. All the kids were together playing, celebrating a special day with their big sister. I hope they continue to be this close as they grow up. Also, the look on Keira's face and the tone in her voice when Seth walked in brought tears to my eyes. Just seeing the joy on her face.
Keira changed her mind and decided to go to Lost in Fun instead of going to a movie. She still got to invite her friend Seth.
We didn't have a super big birthday party for her, we just went to play with her close friend Seth (and Seth's brother and sister, twins) and grandma and grandpa. She had so much fun.