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Conversation With My 5 Year Old

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Today on the way to school it was just Keira and I. She was asking if she could have a Dora DVD and I said maybe for Christmas.

I said, "You guys are going to get a lot of Christmas gifts, maybe someone will get you a DVD. You are going to get gifts from mom & dad, Santa, nana & papa, grandma & grandpa, aunt Jackie, & uncle Robby....." And continued to name off her other uncles and aunts that they would receive gifts from and she interrupted me and said, "But mom, that's a lot of gifts. We can't have that many gifts and that would be a lot of pajamas. That would be very nice of them, but that's still a lot of gifts."  I said, "I know, that is a lot of gifts, but you are also giving gifts back to the people that give you gifts."

Then she changed the subject and started talking about her last day of school. Her last day of school for break is next Wednesday, December 21, also her Christmas program at school. I said, "Ya, Keira you have today, Monday & Wednesday left before school is done until January." She was confused and thought I meant done with school, meaning that she would start kindergarten in January and not be able to see her friend Seth, so she was pretty sad about that.

I explained to her that she would go back to preschool and see all her friends in January that she was just on Christmas break, a mini vacation. She said, "Then can we go to the beach during our vacation?" She said, "Mom, it would be nice and warm at the beach." I just laughed and said, "Maybe in the summer we can go to the beach for our own little vacation."

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