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New job

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Well, I will graduate in 10 days *May 9th* and I was offered a job in my field of study *psychology*. It is a youth treatment specialist. The hours are what I have wanted. It is part time, Mon.-Fri. During the summer the hours are 9 a.m-12p.m and during the school year the hours are Mon.-Fri. 4p.m-7p.m. The only problem would be the 9-12 shift but I think I have somebody lined up for that.

It is funny that I got this job because I have applied for a number of jobs *around 20* that do not need any kind of degree just a high school diploma and got turned down every time. It was so bad that I wanted to give up looking for jobs. I came across this one during my schools efair jobfair. This job needed a bachelor's degree, so I thought I would try.

It was the perfect hours, the perfect job that I wanted to do, & it made me feel like my degree wasn't a waste of time. I put my application in and they called me for an interview within a week. I went in for the interview and right away they were talking like I was hired. They would ask me if I had ever had any experience doing certain things, I said no and she would say "well can you learn?" I said of course, you have to start somewhere right? They would also say things like 'when' you train you will be working these hours and 'when' you start you will be on call and stuff like that so it was already promising in the interview.

I got a call today and she said they were still looking paper work over, but they wanted to call me and ask if I can start training next week. I don't know what my training hours will be.. I am guessing it will be the 4-7 because I will be doing some shadowing and that's what my job hours will be for the next couple months.

In every job you look to move up and this is what I want to do there. I would like to some day be a psychologist, hopefully for the same company. Once I get on my feet and learn the ropes, have a set schedule and know I can handle working and kids then I will eventually go back to school (hopefully online again) and get my Master's to be a psychologist.

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