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Taygen's Well Child Check

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Taygen just had her 18 month well child check Wednesday. I can't believe she is 18 months already, where does the time go? She is getting so big, I just want her to stay little forever!

She weighs 23 pounds and is in the 61st percentile. Her height is 31 1/2" and is in the 36th percentile. Her head is 18" and is in the 50th percentile. She didn't have to have any shots today! YAY!

Vocabulary/Words~ EVERYTHING!! Yes, including..."no", "why", "mine!" Hmmm, wonder where she gets that from? :) She will repeat anything you say to her.

Favorite food~ Peanut butter sandwiches, ravioli, mac n cheese, and meatballs.

Favorite things to do~ She loves puppies. She loves to get her toy stuffed puppies and lay them down on the floor and cover them up and tell them "nigh night." She loves to give kisses and hugs, she loves to hold her babies, give them "muahs" and hug them tight. She loves to play "woah" with daddy. Daddy holds her hands and she leans back and says "woah", "again?" She just loves to play with Keira and Aden. She will walk up to them and say "tickle tickle" and try to tickle them, but of course they run away and she loves that because she just runs after them laughing. A new thing that she started to do... she has a favorite blanky (one of Keira's baby blankies), she will bring me the blanky and say up. I pick her up with the blanky and she says sit. So, we go sit on the couch and she just wants to cuddle with the blanky.

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