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Halloween Costumes


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When you are a little kid it is so hard to decide what you want to be for Halloween. You have all these options, for girls it is princesses, butterflies, bees, cute little kittens, etc. For boys, it's Super Troopers, Cars, Spider Man, Elmo, etc.

Aden knew right away that he wanted to be Spider Man (that's his favorite show).  Taygen is going to be a lady bug, she didn't get to decide this year, but next year she will definitely be interested in deciding. Now, Keira was the difficult one when choosing which costume to wear. She wanted to be a princess, then we saw her costume from last year (good witch, of course :) ) and she wanted to be that again. Then we saw a butterfly costume at the store and she wanted to be that for a couple minutes then changed her mind back to princess, I think a princess was in the back of her mind all along, she was just keeping her options open. She finally made up her mind and we came home with a "Belle" princess costume.

Pictures to follow after Halloween! 

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