This post is about some of the 'Sweetest Moments' and the reason why I love being a S.A.H.M.
Wednesday, January 4th
- Aden and Taygen were napping (Aden was sick, he normally doesn't get a nap), Keira was sitting at the table doing her 'workbook' and I was sitting on the couch watching my soaps. Keira says, "Mom, I just love you so!" I said, "Oh, Keira, I love you so too!" and walked over and gave her a big hug. She said, "Mom, I didn't say I love you so, I said I love your show." Silly, silly girl!
- Aden was laying in his bed talking, it was way past his bedtime. I went in to see what was wrong. He says, "Mom, I was talking to Bandit (the kitty), I'm just laying here petting him and talking to him." I said, "Okay Aden, but you need to get some rest. I love you see you in the morning." I gave him a kiss on his forehead. He said, "You should give Bandit a kiss too and pet him and tell him goodnight." So, I did. I almost started crying because he is growing up so fast and it makes me smile that he has so much love in his heart.