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Update on Kids...Part 3 Taygen


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Taygen is fully potty trained. She still wears a pull up at night. She is talking in complete sentences now and is into everything! :)

She is growing up so fast! She is being more independent when she plays. She will sit down for an hour at a time and play with Keira's dolls. She will put blankets on them and pretend they are sleeping. She plays with Keira's strawberry dolls and houses. I think we know what we are getting her for Christmas;)

Taygen is working on her feelings. The other day she was at the Y in the child watch and I walked in to see this boy hitting Taygen. He didn't hit her too hard, so, I just watched to see what she would do. She didn't hit back, she just said "don't hit me." I started walking over, he hit her again, she didn't do anything again and then told me when I walked over to her. Very proud of her!

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